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great game played it along other games and it was great!

I feel bad that I enjoyed this as much as I did 😂




aww man... i want to kill maggie!

Got to leave somewhere to go in the sequel, I'm just joking, or maybe I'm not...

Super cool! J'ai beaucoup aimer =)

I loved this game! haha, I was not expenting the end, very good , keep up the great work :) (spa gameplay)

This was fun and hilarious! 


Very fun game! Was nice to explore the areas of the house while killing The Simpsons lol 


Well that was more brutal than i was expecting xD

Made a video


had a lot of fun and the ending made me laugh a bit, I like how it looked like it would be a Simpsons game. (1st game)


Man i wish i could chop of hommer head man, that would be funny. Its funny right? not just me


havent had this much fun in a while :) ty for the good time 


Very fun slashing my feelings away at the simpson's children! 10/10

This game was pretty good 



So i thought this was really fun and i geussed the ending whilst playing and i loved it, i loved the fact that you have different type of weapons and the fact you had some interactables around the house like the krusty picture, i would of liked a little more lore but in all honesty it was just a barrel of laughs and i enjoyed it alot 


Nice game! Very cruel and I didn't expect the ending. Looking forward to your next project... :)


Ok so this game was a swing and a hit on homers skull, close and personal with a razor sharp object. Highly reccomend :)



Pretty short but it's fun, good job Dave *insert thumbs up emoji here*

Great game!!! The ending was hilarious!!! 100/10!!!


Here's my video. Enjoy, chefs.

did not expect the end it was funny overall fun game


I love it!


This game did NOT hold back! Absolutely disturbing, yet oddly fun!

(1 edit)

Boy you could say that again, but the numbers are in and it looks like the neighbor-inos think it's just right as rain, or as we say around here left as rain! 

yes!! just yes lol 

Thanks for dropping by with the video, neighbor-ino!


Very bloody game.


this game was amazing it was fun and look great 

Really fun game for sure. Keep it up. After all I'm charmed. *Ned nudge* Ah Goodily Doogily.

Here's my channel for other games I have played.


I made a video on your game (8:26)


Loved it, thanks for posting! Got some other horror games you might be interested in like "Fathoms of Fear!" or "Skinwalker"


This was pretty good! Definitely didn't expect that when I started playing, I figured you had to survive ned flanders Lol. Made a video on it.

Cool vid thanks for playing the game!


great game 



well done with your game 


absolutely loved the game man huge Simpsons fan it was gonna to happen at some point he was gonna to snap on them keep up the good work man please do a family guy one next

Really great vid man I appreciate someone who gets all the references! I've got all kinds of different games, including another Simpsons based reference you might remember called "Billy and the Cloneasaurus" and more murder sims like "The Littlest Penguin"

That was cool but too short. :) 4/5


It was so scary game. I felt myself psycho because I thought they need to be killed for their peace(^o^;)

Thank you for your gameplay, I'm happy you enjoyed!
Consider trying one of my other games, I have made several other scary and violent kinds, as well as silly and family friendly ones!

That was a good time!

Hi, congratulations on your game, it's very nice, I want you to subscribe to my YouTube channel, greetings from Spain...


Great game, dude! That was a lot of fun. Those Simpsons are tougher than I thought! Haha, thanks!


Always a pleasure seeing you try out one of my games bro, keep it up good luck with the channel!

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