I mean third day in a row, I'm pretty much speechless at this point. If great artist steal, we are truly surrounded by great artist! Thanks for bringing this to my attention :D
Man! I cant believe there are people foolish enough to steal someone's game & proceed to put it up on their page like its theirs. what a shame. well, I know its yours. I've been developing something myself. Anyway, I like your games! Fun to play! <3
Right? I mean my friggn' name is right on the starting menu. Good luck on your project, hopefully some loser doesn't off and try to claim it as theirs when you post it!
Ah jeeze again? This keeps happening, although if its a virus this time it seems a bit more serious. I will also be reporting them, thanks for letting me know!
Thanks, I actually caught that one when someone else went ahead and told me about it earlier today, even commented on the page in question and in response the uploader disabled all comments, I appreciate the diligence though! Already reported and sent a support email about it but if you want to report it too that would probably help me out, thanks again!
Without a doubt this should become a chapter of Treehouse of horror, I had a great time, I was very funny when he hit homer. lol Good Game! Game Complete Here!
I see there will be Bender Kills Planet Express, What would be next? Meg kills the Griffins? Klaus kills The Smith Family? Cartman kills South Park Elementary?
Well start watching FUTURAMA now because my next release will have Bender killing the Planet express crew, and it should be dropping in about a month! Thanks for the video and playing the game :D
Oh my! I should start now! I have numerous new episodes to catch up on. I'm looking forward to trying out your new game; I'm sure it's going to be amazing!
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what is this background lol
I think it fits the theme overall
pure gold
Glad you liked it, try the Bender kills Planet Express one I posted if you like Futurama!
i just did and its amazing
Nice! Thanks for trying them out :D
Our favorite neighborino ever snaps and turns into a murdiddely-durdeler. Oh man! Lovely outro song btw. I love Okilly Dokilly! :)
Hey-- my girlfriend and one of her friends gave this a shot. Second game in the vid!
https://deveofgame.itch.io/kills-the-simpsons Another steal, but this one re-distributes itself using Discord.
I mean third day in a row, I'm pretty much speechless at this point. If great artist steal, we are truly surrounded by great artist!
Thanks for bringing this to my attention :D
EDIT: Took 9 days but it finally got removed!
Here is another page that stole the game
Well, aren't I just Mr. Popular... thanks for the head's up!
I reported them too. Looks like they stole a few games
Man! I cant believe there are people foolish enough to steal someone's game & proceed to put it up on their page like its theirs. what a shame. well, I know its yours. I've been developing something myself. Anyway, I like your games! Fun to play! <3
Right? I mean my friggn' name is right on the starting menu. Good luck on your project, hopefully some loser doesn't off and try to claim it as theirs when you post it!
Someone stole your game here!
He didn't stole the game. He stole the identity. The "game" there is actually some sort of a virus. Report it.
I did!
Ah jeeze again? This keeps happening, although if its a virus this time it seems a bit more serious. I will also be reporting them, thanks for letting me know!
Thanks! I also let the other people he "stole" from know!
Good on ya, seems like that account has quite a few others on it.
Oh! Someone else is using your game's identity!
Thanks, I actually caught that one when someone else went ahead and told me about it earlier today, even commented on the page in question and in response the uploader disabled all comments, I appreciate the diligence though! Already reported and sent a support email about it but if you want to report it too that would probably help me out, thanks again!
Without a doubt this should become a chapter of Treehouse of horror, I had a great time, I was very funny when he hit homer. lol Good Game!
Game Complete Here!
Batshit crazy lol. Ned Flanders comments were great. I'll definitely be playing Bender soon
this was a fun little game, excited for the futurama one!
EDIT: had no idea "Bender kills planet express" was released until i saw right after i posted this lol, i'll be playing it soon. keep it up!
Thanks! Love the username btw I think it's hysterical :D
haha, thank you!
amazing game i hope the developer makes another one
This game is disgustingly satisfying and fun to play. I'll definitely be checking out more work of David Mills
Thank you! The Futurama follow up just came out recently where you kill the Planet Express crew as BENDER!
I see there will be Bender Kills Planet Express, What would be next? Meg kills the Griffins? Klaus kills The Smith Family? Cartman kills South Park Elementary?
Actually thought it would be funnier if Adam West killed the Griffins but yeah that's the idea
But what about the ideas for South Park and American Dad?
yooo Wsp Woozel
i love killing people with hammers
Played this game on my channel and it was pretty good
I didn't want to do it 😢
really good game i like it
my viewers loved it! hello from germany :)
This was the most fun I have had with a game under the "Horror" category in ages. I wish it was longer!
Damn you DO got a great Ned voice! Thanks for playing, hope you like the Futurama one I got coming out soon :D
Hey! Thank you for allowing us to play your game!
I love the graphics and art style, also found the house layout spot on and the screams from the characters really cool but terrifying.
Would love to see more levels or even some hostility from the characters in the future.
I made a video on my channel playing it through for the first time
Thanks and all but would you stop coming back every couple of days and reposting the same video just to get it on top please?
My fault og 👺
No worries you're good
this game is so nice, short but cool
When I started the game it froze and then Crashed.
Well start watching FUTURAMA now because my next release will have Bender killing the Planet express crew, and it should be dropping in about a month! Thanks for the video and playing the game :D
Oh my! I should start now! I have numerous new episodes to catch up on. I'm looking forward to trying out your new game; I'm sure it's going to be amazing!
legit one of the best games i've played on here lol maggies voice killed me
Glad you liked it!
loved it bro cant wait to see whats next
Good horror game.
This is one hell of a slasher, had instruction and still i didn't follow. User error if u wanna laugh at me here ya go!