Well. Opps All Barry mode got me as well. A nice game overall made by David Mills. I would suggest maybe having the secret mode as a toggle in the settings. Keep it up.
Godspeed! The 1.0.6 just went up as of posting, making small fixes to issues I see as they occur so expect random updates over the next few days, nothing too major planned on the layout so any strats you develop likely won't be inpacted from this point excluding discovered exploits.
So is it possible to not have all posters on a run, or am I just not knowing of some spawn locations? I feel like I have been incredibly thorough and still got runs where I could only find 5/6
I know abou the roof. I've checked the bushed as well as one of the Family Guy posters were in the bushed, never found one in the kitchen, dining area or the room with the sofa where you find I think the hammer, room next to the garage
Yet another amazing game by David Mills! Have to say this was super fun, love this idea of a game and have enjoyed the previous game that covered other cartoons. Hope to see more like this in the future! Made a video on it.
Another banger in the KILL Series! I had a lot of fun looking around the house, finding the posters, and looking for different weapons! Also, found all of the posters and didn't know what the secret mode was until the end! Nice one! Can't wait for the next game (Hopefully)!
Hi, im a streamer wanting to stream the game but i am having some issues trying to run/start up the game. I have already extracted the files as i did for the "stewie kills the griffens" but whenever i try to run it i get this error and it removes the game file from my folder. any help would be more than appreciated! - RenParadox
Hmm not sure, just downloaded it and opened it up myself and everything worked fine. I was worried I may have shipped it out without an important file, and what you might be experiencing is a broken filepath that keeps the file from accessing it, but like I said I checked and everthing appears to be accounted for. Might be an issue with your specific pc, if you have access to a 2nd device I would try playing it on there to see if it's still an issue. Your on WINDOWS, right? It only runs on WINDOWS.
Yes i run on a Windows Pc, very strage i reinstalled like 4 times and also tried the windowed version unfortunately this is my only Pc. Kinda odd brand new pc lol good specs i just dont know what would be conflicting with it truthfully.
That was actually a pretty good game! The fact that you can put the fish (idk his name) in a boiling pot and microwave was funny! The part where you kill the three dudes with guns near the end was intense. (for me) I hope that there might be more in your "Kills!" series! (maybe the cleveland show or king of the hill???)
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Well. Opps All Barry mode got me as well. A nice game overall made by David Mills. I would suggest maybe having the secret mode as a toggle in the settings. Keep it up.
Also apparently I didn't know Hayley was 19.
Here's my channel for other games I have played. https://www.youtube.com/@Levont
and see u soon with another video david...
hehehhehe an amazing game :D
had fun with it as always with these games!Speedrunning begins now: https://www.twitch.tv/officialbo55fatwod
The 1.0.6 just went up as of posting, making small fixes to issues I see as they occur so expect random updates over the next few days, nothing too major planned on the layout so any strats you develop likely won't be inpacted from this point excluding discovered exploits.
So is it possible to not have all posters on a run, or am I just not knowing of some spawn locations? I feel like I have been incredibly thorough and still got runs where I could only find 5/6
I'll double check the code but during testing I never had a problem when checking each known location
Its on the roof, took me a while and I still dont know how to get up there
I know abou the roof. I've checked the bushed as well as one of the Family Guy posters were in the bushed, never found one in the kitchen, dining area or the room with the sofa where you find I think the hammer, room next to the garage
Have you checked in the pool
Mabel has had enough and goes on a killing spree
or maybe shes tweeked out on that fun dip shit again lol
That would be fucking hysterical
Mabel Does Crack And KILLS! The Pines
Yet another amazing game by David Mills! Have to say this was super fun, love this idea of a game and have enjoyed the previous game that covered other cartoons. Hope to see more like this in the future! Made a video on it.
Another banger in the KILL Series! I had a lot of fun looking around the house, finding the posters, and looking for different weapons! Also, found all of the posters and didn't know what the secret mode was until the end! Nice one! Can't wait for the next game (Hopefully)!
Very good game
Time to start speedrunning this game as well. Maybe not all posters, at least on stream
Yeah, good call ha
These games are so much fun. And they always look amazing! Thank you for all your hard work. And for the surprise haha
Love the video man, thanks for always being on top of my work!
Will forever love playing David Mills' KILLS Series games
Love your games man, keep up the good work 🫂
I really appreciate!
Bet you weren't expecting THAT right?
What happened
Really shouldn't spoil it here, but maybe go check it out before I get cancelled or something >.<
Always a fun time playing in the Kill Series!
Another member of the "Oops all Barrys" club I see ;)
That was pretty good! I didn't manage to find all the posters though.
Pretty interesting "surprise" if you do... ;)
good fun ....if murdering people is your thing lol
ahhahaha fun and gore :D cool
bro this a masterpiece hope other people will enjoy this great game
Glad you had fun thanks for playing!
Hi, im a streamer wanting to stream the game but i am having some issues trying to run/start up the game. I have already extracted the files as i did for the "stewie kills the griffens" but whenever i try to run it i get this error and it removes the game file from my folder. any help would be more than appreciated! - RenParadox
Hmm not sure, just downloaded it and opened it up myself and everything worked fine. I was worried I may have shipped it out without an important file, and what you might be experiencing is a broken filepath that keeps the file from accessing it, but like I said I checked and everthing appears to be accounted for. Might be an issue with your specific pc, if you have access to a 2nd device I would try playing it on there to see if it's still an issue. Your on WINDOWS, right? It only runs on WINDOWS.
Yes i run on a Windows Pc, very strage i reinstalled like 4 times and also tried the windowed version unfortunately this is my only Pc. Kinda odd brand new pc lol good specs i just dont know what would be conflicting with it truthfully.
Actually i think my antivirus is deleting the file ima mess with it for a bit and figure it out ill update the thread if i find anything else out
Yep good ole Norton cock blocking me. Thanks for the assistance!
Way too fun , awesome game 😁👌
Love it! I'm still hoping for Kenny Kills Southpark as a future title
That was actually a pretty good game! The fact that you can put the fish (idk his name) in a boiling pot and microwave was funny! The part where you kill the three dudes with guns near the end was intense. (for me) I hope that there might be more in your "Kills!" series! (maybe the cleveland show or king of the hill???)
first lol