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great game can't wait for more of this style of games !! 


I did manage to find the other secret when you have all 6 posters.

fantastic game

Love the game fantastic keep up the extra Work

can't wait for your next one looking forward to Bob's burgers

Had more fun than i should have

does secret mode do anything besides show frannys tits for a sec lolol, great game btw


yeah there's something else


This reminds me of something I'd find on old school newgrounds and I love it. New fan.

Posters spawn in weird places, am pretty sure there is a chance they don't all spawn the same round. You have to collect all of them and then you get Oops all Berry mode, which has the scene a lot of people have in their videos

(1 edit) (+1)

check the roof and the pool? They are random so check good!


Haven't been able to find the last poster, searched all of the rooms, shot everything just in case. Any hints? Got all of the ones in the house and the in the bush


my pc makes the bad noise when i run this gane


That's a really great story




Nice game looking forward to play more of your games

(1 edit)


i second this

Good ol family fun! Think this one is my fabourite in the kills series, good stuff!

ta chido realmente disfruto tus juegos <3

this game was so messed up but fun at the same time 😭 and also, WHERE WAS THE LAST POSTER AT

Another home run! Warning for the end screen 

Make a south park game after bobs burgers

This was fun, I see your games such as this are very popular, keep it up man:


I totally forgot to share this.  

Roger really knows how to have a blast.  The smiths don't think so anymore. :) 


m o a r


This game was so cursed...make more

rick kills the rick and morty family


can you make one of pardise pd


I'm not gonna kill that show - I'm just going to watch it die on it's own!

lol so true they killed themselves

Can you make a Spongebob game of this?


this game was so much fun!

Glad you liked it, try some of the other KILLS games about other cartoons :D


Watch Me Take a STAN-D


Always have enjoyed the "KILLS" series and this was no exception! Thank you for this incredible series and cant wait for the next one


Glad you liked it man, loved the video thanks for always being a fan!

Good game!

Another amazing hit!  

Here's a short for the coming video. The full video will go up later today! 


Love your work, the 6/6 easter egg was fire...


Roger takes out The Smiths - another W from David Mills 

this was cool. I wish you could turn anti aliasing on so that the lines arent so jagged.

It  wouldnt help much, the POV jagged lines are caused by the camera being so close too the model and overlaying the image captured on top of the screen layers, like a sticker slapped under the HUD elements. This is to keep the 3D model of the character from clipping despite getting close to things like walls or other characters. It also keeps the perspective correct when tilting the camera up and down, which you need for aiming. You can see in the Flanders and Bender games that this isn't an issue as looking up and down actually changes perspective on the characters body. Its basically an either or kind of thing. There is definitely some way to have smooth edges AND maintain the effect, plenty of games do this, but given the current method used in the kills games it's not really possible. Maybe in the future I can look into it more. Thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

Flanders's camera felt a lot better, but this new game just has more details


The quality of your games is improving so much I can't wait to see what you do next!

Really fun game!👍🏽

Otra masacre realizada con éxito. Buen juego, me pregunto cual será el siguiente.

this was fun man u done did it again bro was very exicited to play this complelety enjoyed from start to finish well done bro cant wait to see whats next 

Appreciate it man always a pleasure thanks for playing!


This game is something else and the shock value is incredible. I have to play the others that the dev also made. 

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