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I wish I could play but I guess I can't since I'm trying to download this on my MacBook Pro :( and still won't work.


Yep. Windows.

My new attempt for a speedrun for your game with no commentary:

I finally made a Part 2. My audience still loves your games and so do I.

Great game, I managed to collect all 6 posters. 
I just don't understand what secret mode does.

Find the posters b4 killing everyone and when you have them go find Haley

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Thanks, i achieved.

i cant seem to download the game

Another great game from you and I expect no less. It was fun being able to play as Ricky Spanish too. Can't wait to see more.

Here's my gameplay of it. It starts at 06:27

Very Good Game! I Played The Others and LOVED them all as well!

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Absolutely loved this one David, I can't wait for the next one honestly lol hopefully south park!



game idea:  spongebob goes crazy. what it's about: spongebob turns evil and kills everybody and runs from the cops. this took me a 10mins to think of

Honestly...this is not out of character for Roger LOL

hey i really love the game also i had an idea for one its called spongebob kills his friends

If you do a search you will find many ppl have already done that

oh ok i just thought be cool to have one based off of the episode what ever happned to spongebob because i feel like that would have been nice if not i have diffrent idea marvin the martian kills the looney tunes


Nice game 👍


Yesss! This was very fun. I liked that I didn't have to hold the "stab/hit" button like I had to in The Simpsons game. I plan to play them all, great job Dev. 

I enjoyed watching that, thanks for posting! And yeah the series evolved over time, controls changed and effects like limb removal got added to the 2 latest ones. Who knows what the future holds!

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Thanks David,  this one was definitely my favorite so far. I'm a 90s baby if you did one of these with either Hey Arnold, The Rugrats, Sailor Moon, Daria or Doug, I would literally crap my pants \(^o^)/ Great job again. 


great game can't wait for more of this style of games !! 


I did manage to find the other secret when you have all 6 posters.

fantastic game

Love the game fantastic keep up the extra Work

can't wait for your next one looking forward to Bob's burgers

Had more fun than i should have

does secret mode do anything besides show frannys tits for a sec lolol, great game btw


yeah there's something else


This reminds me of something I'd find on old school newgrounds and I love it. New fan.

Posters spawn in weird places, am pretty sure there is a chance they don't all spawn the same round. You have to collect all of them and then you get Oops all Berry mode, which has the scene a lot of people have in their videos

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check the roof and the pool? They are random so check good!


Haven't been able to find the last poster, searched all of the rooms, shot everything just in case. Any hints? Got all of the ones in the house and the in the bush


my pc makes the bad noise when i run this gane


That's a really great story




Nice game looking forward to play more of your games

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i second this

Good ol family fun! Think this one is my fabourite in the kills series, good stuff!

ta chido realmente disfruto tus juegos <3

this game was so messed up but fun at the same time 😭 and also, WHERE WAS THE LAST POSTER AT

Another home run! Warning for the end screen 

Make a south park game after bobs burgers

This was fun, I see your games such as this are very popular, keep it up man:


I totally forgot to share this.  

Roger really knows how to have a blast.  The smiths don't think so anymore. :) 


m o a r


This game was so cursed...make more

rick kills the rick and morty family


can you make one of pardise pd


I'm not gonna kill that show - I'm just going to watch it die on it's own!

lol so true they killed themselves

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