"Little Bartmares" Update

My next game "Little Bartmares" is a cross between "Little Nightmares" and  "The Simpsons"! I'm excited for this project because I've uncovered some really out there techniques and ideas over the years that have had to remain ideas, but contextually in a nightmare there really are NO LIMITS so it's going to be pretty wild! 

Check my page for updates, and if you are interested in getting YOUR NAME IN THE CREDITS then pop over to my PATREON page and become a member!

Get Louise KILLS The Belchers! (Bob's Burgers)


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I am so excited!! Looks amazing!


Thank you!

I would love to interview  and Pick your mind about how you come up with these games!! 



That looks awesome! Can't wait to play it.


Thanks man I'm hoping to be pretty experimental with some of the effects I can't wait to release it when it's done :D